
Yilang's Blogger


Published by Yi-Lang Tsai under on 8/28/2022 11:19:00 下午
  • 國立成功大學電腦與通訊研究所 雲端與網路安全實驗室 博士候選人
  • 國立成功大學電機工程研究所 密碼與網路安全實驗室 碩士
  • 國立成功大學水利及海洋工程學系 學士
  • 微智安聯股份有限公司 創辦人兼執行長
  • 台灣數位安全聯盟 榮譽理事長
  • 台灣網際空間與安全策略發展協會 第一屆 第二屆 理事長
  • 台灣資訊及資安服務聯盟 第一屆 理事長
  • 中華民國資訊安全學會 第九屆 第十屆 監事
  • 中華民國數位金融交易暨資料保護協會 第一屆 理事
  • 台灣數位鑑識發展協會 第一屆 第二屆 理事
  • 國際資訊安全人才培育與推廣協會 第一屆 理事
  • The Honeynet Project 台灣分會長
  • Cloud Security Alliance 台灣分會長
  • OWASP 台灣分會長
  • CSCIS 亞太區副總裁
  • 自由作家
  • 財團法人國家實驗研究院國家高速網路與計算中心 研究員
  • 中華民國資料保護協會 第一屆 監事
  • 中華民國南部科學園區產學協會 第五屆 理事 第六屆 監事
  • 數位經濟暨產業發展協會(原台灣科技化服務協會) 第三屆、第四屆、第五屆 理事
  • 台灣數位安全聯盟(原台灣雲端安全聯盟) 第一屆、第二屆 理事長
  • 台灣資訊安全聯合發展協會 第一屆 監事
  • 崑山科技大學資訊管理學系 兼任講師
  • 崑山科技大學資訊工程學系 兼任講師
  • 嘉南藥理科技大學 資訊管理系 協同教學業師
  • 吳鳳科技大學 資訊管理系 協同教學業師
  • 正修科技大學資訊工程學系 協同教學業師
  • 義守大學資訊工程學系 課程諮詢委員
  • 正修科技大學資訊工程學系 課程諮詢委員
  • 2024 第十八屆金炬獎 十大年度經理人
  • 2015 CSA APAC Cloud Security Ninja Award
  • 2014 CSA Ron Knode Service Award (More)
國際會議(International Conference)
  • Chairman, 2024 InfoSec Taiwan, Taipei, Jul. 9-11 2024
  • Chairman, 2023 InfoSec Taiwan, Taipei, Aug. 1-3 2023
  • Chairman, 2022 InfoSec Taiwan, Taipei, Oct. 5-6 2022
  • Chairman, 2021 InfoSec Taiwan, Taipei, Nov. 2-4 2021
  • Chairman, 2020 InfoSec Taiwan, Taipei, Nov. 2-4 2020
  • Chairman, 2019 InfoSec Taiwan (HoneyCon 2019, CSA Taiwan Summit 2019, OWASP AppSec 2019), Taipei, Jul. 9-11 2019
  • Chairman, Taiwan Cyber Security Organization Conference 2018 (HoneyCon 2018, CSA Taiwan Summit 2018, OWASP Taiwan Day 2018), Taipei, Jul. 10-12 2018
  • Chairman, Taiwan OWASP Taiwan Week 2017, Taipei, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Nov. 20-23 2017
  • Chairman, Taiwan Information Security Organization Conference 2017 (HoneyCon 2017, CSA Taiwan Summit 2017, OWASP Taiwan Day 2017), Taipei, Jul. 11-13 2017
  • Chairman, Taiwan Computer Security Incident Response Conference 2016, IRCon 2016, Taipei, Jul. 11 2016
  • Chairman, The Honeynet Project Taiwan Conference, HoneyCon 2016, Taipei, Jul. 11~13 2016
  • Chairman, 2015 Cloud Security Alliance Taiwan Conference, CSA Taiwan 2016, Taipei, Jul. 12~13 2016
  • Programme Committee, Cloud Security Alliance APAC Congress 2015, GuangZhou, China, Dec. 1~3 2015
  • Chairman, Taiwan Computer Security Incident Response Conference 2015, IRCon 2015, Taipei, Aug. 20 2015
  • Chairman, The Honeynet Project Taiwan Conference, HoneyCon 2015, Taipei, Aug. 18~20 2015
  • Chairman, 2015 Cloud Security Alliance Taiwan Conference, CSA Taiwan 2015, Taipei, Aug. 18 2015
  • Chairman, 2014 Cloud Security Alliance APAC Congress, Taipei, Sep. 1~5 2014
  • Chairman, The Honeynet Project Taiwan Conference, HoneyCon 2014, Taipei, July. 7~8 2014
  • Chairman, The Honeynet Project Taiwan Conference, HoneyCon 2013, Taipei, Jun. 27~28 2013
  • Programme Committee, Cloud Security Alliance APAC Congress 2013, Singapore, May 14~17 2013
  • Keynote Speaker, "Cloud Security Alliance Strategy and Roadmap", Cloud Security Alliance Taiwan Congress 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 11 2012 
  • Speaker, "Cyber Security Defense: Botnet tracking and mobile security", Information Security Summit 2012 Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, Nov. 21 2012
  • Workshop Tutor, "Digital Forensics for Mobile security", Information Security Summit 2012 Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, Nov. 20 2012
  • Keynote Speaker, "Ghost is in the cloud", World Wide Security & Mobility Conference Taipei 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 24 2012
  • Chairman, 2012 Innovation Information Security Workshop in Taiwan, Jun. 28~29 2012
  • Speaker, "Taiwan Chapter Status Report", The Honeynet Project Annual Workshop 2012, San Francisco, USA, Mar. 21~23 2012
  • Chairman, 2011 Innovation Information Security Summit in Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 19 2011
Profile (English Version)
Yi-Lang Tsai is the The Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter Leader, Cloud Security Alliance Taiwan Chapter Founder and Leader and OWASP Taiwan Chapter Leader. His works include the research projects for the detection、the analysis and the honeypot related information security technologies and also in the cloud security technologies for industry、government and academy. He is the Director of major security projects and leader of an Information Security Incident Response Team to work for Taiwan Academic Network (TANet) to handing security incident. He is the expert in UNIX/Linux、Windows OS、communication network technology、network security、ISMS、digital forensics. He is also known as the famous IT commentator and author in Taiwan. He has published 35 books and many columns on the professional IT publications.
  • Founder and CEO, Shield eXtreme Co., Ltd.
  • Leader, The Honeynet Project Taiwan Chapter
  • Founder and Leader , Cloud Security Alliance Taiwan Chapter
  • Leader, OWASP Taiwan Chapter
  • Vice Chair, CSCSS ISS TC Taiwan
  • Leader, TWCSIRT (TaiWan Computer Security Incident Response Team) - FIRST Full Member
  • Researcher Fellow, National Center for High-performance Computing
  • Leader, Security Operation Center for NCHC (National Center for High-performance Computing)
  • Manager, Network Operation Center for TWAREN (TaiWan Advanced Research & Education Network)
  • Project Manager, Security Operation Center for TANet (Taiwan Academic Network)
  • Leader, Information Security Incident Response Team in Taiwan academic network
  • Project Manager, Taiwan Academic Network Security Operation Center
  • Core Manager, Botnet detection and anti-hacker program
  • Project Manager, Cloud security and research project
  • Convener, TWCERT/CC Honeynet working group
  • Member, TWNIC Network Security Committee
  • Director and Supervisors, Academia-Industry Consortium For Southern Taiwan Science Park, AICSP
  • Supervisors, Data Protection Association, CDPA
  • Director, IT-enabled Services Management Association, itSMA
  • Lecturer, Kun Shan University Dept. Information Management
  • Member, IEEE.org and Tainan Section
  • Freelance, 35 Computer books and 90+ articles